New levels of geekdom are reached when you develop a mathematical subroutine that you seriously ponder running overnight.
496 is a perfect number, as is 8198. I did not know that.
9991 is prime. I did not know that, either. Actually, I had no idea there were as many prime numbers as there are. I wrote code to calculate all the prime numbers under 1,000,000 and I'm watching numbers fly by like I'm falling in to the matrix.
The quality of my code is directly proportional to the quantity of Advil Migraine that's within easy reach.
I hate finals, yet for some reason my final seems easier than the midterm. It's still kicking my ass but its not quite the horror show I exected. Or maybe I've just gotten broken in to being a student again.
99999989 is prime.
I get an odd sense of satisfaction when the application I wrote spikes my CPU. Heh. I made my computer think. A lot.
Piet Hein was simply amazing. One of these days I'm going to have to do a tribute to him on my blog.
999,999,937 is the highest prime number below 1,000,000,000.
I really, really, REALLY want to earn an A in this class.
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