Friday, January 29, 2010

The holidays are too early.

From Halloween to New Years, it seems like there's this big crush of activity. We start preparing for the holidays, we plan family visits, we go to parties, we buy gifts, we send cards, blah blah blah.

Its all good, but...its too soon!

Most holidays are based on the Winter solstice and the vernal equanox. But, at least in this climate...the solstice just marks the beginning of winter. Sure the days get longer, but the weather gets nastier. I wish Christmas was at the end of January or early February. I'd rather have a big celebraion that breaks winter up a bit. ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have to eat my words, do they have calories?

OK, I have to take back my self-indulgent whine...LOL.

Just as I was complaining that I feel like I'm alone in my efforts to lose weight, someone (who I'm sure has not read my blog) and offered company. A martial artist that I recently met online put forward an idea of a challenge. Not a contest, a challenge...with a plan.

He said what he wanted to do, and how he was going to do it. He spelled out his dietary changes and his fitness ideas, and asked for others to join him. THe challenge is going to be two months long. So I joined him. Hopefully some other online folks will as well. But even if they don' least I am not alone (for the next 2 months.) Kewl. I'll post the results in mid-March.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who knew classical piano could be so damn cool?


Lola Astinova piano like she's on drugs that haven't been invented yet.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Yeah yeah yeah, this year, no excuses, blah blah blah....

OK. I'll admit it. I (raises hand sheepishly in the air) am one of the eleventy gazillion Americans that need to lose weight, and haven't and made a resolution blah blah blah...

There are reasons/excuses. Yeah my thyroid burned out. Yeah I screwed up my back badly a couple years ago and its only been since October that I've been able to go through my day and even get in some exercise without a lot of pain...and therefore haven't been able to train the way I want to. That's getting me...nowhere.

The approach for this is the same way I approached my back therapy. I'm going to do what is right...for me. Its exercising on a regular basis, however I can work it in. Its eating a lot of leafy greens.

I wish I wasn't "alone" in this, but I feel like I am. Many Americans are looking for shortcuts. Many others are ridiculously judgemental of others, especially when it comes to weight. There doesn't seem to be enough knowledge and support of helping one another do it the hard way (through exercise and eating realistic foods).

Ah, well, if ya want it done right, do it yourself...LOL.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well the Patriots are out of it....


Migod I'd love to see them pull off a Superbowl victory.

Geaux Saints