Haven't been following sports that closely over the last few years...probably because I find getting out and training to be more fun than sitting in front of the tube watching a game. However, I've been to a lot of games...including a lot of terrible games. But...the tickets were usually comped. The companionship was usually good. At the time, was all that mattered.

Fenway Park the way I remember it. Without the Green Monster seating
I left thinking about the goals I set out. I felt foolish. Here I've gone and made grandiose plans and set aggressive goals for myself...partly because I was caught up in a friend's enthusiasm. Now, I think I'm going to be alone in this. I went and drove off to a quiet corner and pondered a bit. Some people talk a good game, I'm going to get in and play a good game.
Then, the idea hit me. I felt so focused on the numbers, I've forgotten that the numbers really weren't the goal at all. It's the training and the fitness that is the real goal. Are the aggressive? Hell yeah. But, as long as I don't do something stupid (like work out so hard that I get injured) they're worth pursuing.
I stepped out of the car, and did light calesthenics, forms practice, self-defense technique practice, and kicking drills for an hour. Aggressive goal? Bring it on. :)
98 practice hours, 98 class hours, and 88 pushups to go.
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